Version 2.5.0 to 3.x.x

This guide is for you who want to migrate from older version (v2.5.0) to latest version (v3.0.0) without losing your previous data, but, to avoid unexpected data loss, we recommend that you backup your data before doing this step, this step is for the admin panel as server side.

Update Database

  1. Login to your cpanel hosting, open PhpMyAdmin

  2. Select your database and make update by inserting SQL query function on below :

ALTER TABLE `tbl_gallery` ADD `image_url` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `download_count`, ADD `type` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'upload' AFTER `image_url`, ADD `featured` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'no' AFTER `type`, ADD `tags` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `featured`;
CREATE TABLE `tbl_purchase_code` ( `id` INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `item_purchase_code` VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE = InnoDB CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
ALTER TABLE `tbl_settings` ADD `privacy_policy` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `protocol_type`;

Update PHP Script

  1. Login to your cpanel hosting, open File Manager

  2. Navigate to the directory where you put the php admin panel code

  3. Delete All Old PHP Scripts and folder in your admin panel directory EXCEPT : ‘upload’ and ‘includes’ folder

  4. Download, upload it into your existing admin panel directory and then extract it (this update code same with admin panel code in the Codecanyon download package except upload and includes folder).

  5. After the extract process is complete, refresh it

  6. Your Admin Panel is ready to use. (Note : if you use Google Chrome, click “Ctrl + F5” to reload the Admin Panel page).

Last updated